Monday, March 31, 2008

Aramark Tray-less Cafeterias Update

Great news! Aramark's removal of cafeteria trays has been a major success. Students for the most part have gotten used to life without their little plastic helpers and in turn, there have been some quite positive outcomes. Here's a brief description of some of the good stuff:

- Aramark is saving approximately
1040 gallons (3936 litres) of water a day and approximately $13,000 worth of electricity. They're saving a little over 900,000 trays from being washed per school year.

This success has spurred Aramark onto further progress in the world of sustainability. Derrick Hines reports that:

- Aramark is working with Rochelle and Dal Facilities to convert their retail truck to run on 100% vegetable oil, a by product from the deep fryers.

- Aramark is increasing their use of locally grown/raised produce & proteins. They just signed on with Eden Valley Farms to use their poultry products - in fact they will set up a both in residence to help promote/educate students on their facilities. Aramark is also working with a local beef farmer to further increase local content.

So let's hear it for Aramark for taking the lead in this area! Apart from celebrating them silently, we can also support their effort with our patronage.

I wonder what Sodexho has been up to. Have they been keeping pace?

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