Thursday, February 21, 2008

Aramark Going Tray-less

Aramark is planning on removing trays from their residence cafeterias after reading week as an initiative aimed at reducing water and energy use as well as food waste (so that people aren't loading up their trays when hungry... now they are just loading up 1 plate).

This is a wonderful example of Aramark's - and by extension, Dalhousie's - commitment towards sustainability - let's show some support!

Congrats Aramark!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Local Foods = Yum!: Student Cookbook for GreenWeek 2008!

Hey Everybody - SustainDal here...

We putting together a local food cookbook for students, to be made available at the
beginning of GreenWeek (March 10-14)

Please send your favourite locally based meals you make. Do not copy this from other recipe books you have (illegal)... but alter them somehow to make them even better.

These recipes can be for any of the seasons, but remember that winter is the hardest. Can be veg or meat, anything goes!

Send them to:

Sweet Deal - Wilderness First Aid Course!

The Environmental Programmes Student Society (EPSS) will be hosting wilderness first aid courses from April 27th –to May 5th. The courses are being offered through Wilderness Medical Associates (WMA) Canada, leaders in remote and practical medicine. The certificate programs are for outdoor enthusiasts, guides, professionals and researchers who find themselves in remote areas where 911 is not an option.

EPPS will be offering the 40hr Advance Wilderness First Aid (WAFA) course, the 80hr Wilderness First Responder (WFR) course as well as a 40hr bridge course. The bridge course will be for individuals who already have their WAFA but wish to upgrade to the WFR level.

We have not yet determined the final prices, we are hoping to receive a grant from the DSS to help defray costs.

If you would like more information feel free to send us an e-mail or check out the WMA's website:

Or you can contact EPSS at:

Tiger Society:
Environmental Programmes:

Canvas Grocery Bag Giveaway Today (and Tomorrow)!

As many of you know the Superstore on Quinpool is going bagless on Feb. 21st!! YAY :)

To support this initiative, we are giving away FREE re-usable cloth grocery bags:

- Wednesday, February 20th 10-3pm (SUB LOBBY)
- Thursday, February 21st, 10-12:30pm (SEXTON ALUMNI LOUNGE)

In support of this initiative, and in coordination with Green Week, the Dalhousie Bookstore will be going bagless during Green Week (March 10-14)

Monday, February 18, 2008

DSU Annual General Meeting - This Wednesday

The DSU's Annual General Meeting will be held this Wednesday. The meeting is open to all students of Dalhousie. As well it should be noted that there will be a FREE DINNER.

DSU Annual General Meeting
Wednesday February 20, 2008
Starts at 6:30 PM
Place: McInnes Room, SUB
Dinner will be provided
Please bring your Dal ID

Hope to see you there!

Friday, February 15, 2008

Dalhousie Spanish Society - La Velada Update!

It's getting closer to La Velada! If you are interested at all in getting involved, now is the time! We are having a meeting at 4:00pm on February 20, in the Spanish Lounge on the third floor of the McCain.

We are looking for performers (dancers or participants in the fashion show), people to help out with decorating, selling tickets, and volunteers on the night of La Velada.

We are still looking for items for the Wall of Nostalgia and for the Fashion Show, so if you have anything you'd like to lend to us, drop it off to the Spanish Department! Make sure your name is on it.

Also, we are going to be doing a slide show, so if you have any pictures of Latin America or Spain, it would be great if you could email them to me. ( ). Include pictures of yourself and friends, not just scenery.

Thanks, everyone! I look forward to seeing you on wednesday!


Dalhousie Spanish Society

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Grocery Bag Give-away

As many of you know the Superstore on Quinpool is going bagless on Feb. 21st!! YAY :)

To support this initiative, we are giving away FREE re-usable cloth grocery bags in the lobby of the SUB:

- Wednesday, February 20th 10-3pm
- Thursday, February 21st, 10-12:30pm

In support of this initiative, and in coordination with Green Week, the Dalhousie Bookstore will be going bagless during Green Week (March 10-14)

Dalhousie: Making Computer Labs Better...

Hey everyone,

If you'd like to see improvements in Dalhousie's computer labs and/or BETTER Wi-Fi signal strength for your laptops, then take a moment and answer this short survey:

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Green Week Meeting Minutes

Green Week 2008: March 10-14th:

  • During green week we will have one (hopefully 2) tables in the SUB all week long with a ‘market’ all day on Thursday in the lobby.
  • Carla/EPSS ecological footprint of BBQ, carbon neutral by doing offset activities during the week (fixing up ocean pond, litter collection, idling tickets), using solar ovens (any other ideas or considerations concerning this are welcome)
  • overall consideration of making events carbon neutral

Evolution of Current Tasks, Events, Ideas...

  • Muggy Monday's running all week (overcoming Sodexho)
  • Sodexho has an exclusive contract in the SUB and may not be so keen about us giving out free coffee for an entire week. I have been trying to meet with them to discuss this and our catering needs for the ‘lunch and learns’
  • Residence “lights-out” energy challenge à Graham (SustainDal)
  • Promotion of event through posters, word of mouth and RAs
  • Prizes! (any ideas of prizes that fit within the theme of sustainability that first year students living in Rez would actually like?)
  • Dal Women’s Center vegetarian cooking class on Monday
  • Run by DWC at their house on South St. (next to Dalplex)
  • luncheon with local food (overcoming Sodexho, altering location instead)
  • lunch and learn
  • one on Monday and one on Wednesday (speakers/topics still in the works)
  • we were considering inviting DSU candidates to one of the lunch and learns to discuss sustainability and what a sustainable Dalhousie means to them. This may not be possible – and instead we have been offered to have a segment of the debates occurring Tuesday March 11th in the lobby of the SUB to focus on sustainability/green campus – what are your thoughts on this? PLEASE LET ME KNOW ASAP
  • story of stuff in SUB lobby
  • 20min film on loop
  • Computer set up where students can calculate their ecological footpring
  • kick off concert at Grawood (cost concerns, promise of selling $500 worth of alcohol to pay for bar staff)
  • Expedite, Anew Airship, King Conqueror…
  • cover charge maybe $2.00 each (would be a benefit for some organization, any suggestions?)
  • need to pay $150-$200 for use of a tech.
  • need approx 4 source security bouncers at $14/hr
  • BBQ and parking meter party on Tuesday (legitimizing with bikes and kayak)
  • Mark Johnston is asking Rochelle Owen from the administrative office to speak with security on our behalf
  • Carla looking for donations for BBQ from Pete’s and Planet Organic
  • Also looking to obtain food from the farmers market
  • large desire for solar ovens and instructions to build their own (reduce energy footprint
  • DWC bringing in guest speaker (Elizabeth do you have any information about this yet?)
  • Wednesday and Thursday, green trivia at the Grawood/Troom.
  • Still in progress – positive response from Grawood Trivia Host
  • Thursday, market place in the SUB
  • Let me know if you would like a table in the SUB on this day. Provide me with a short blurb/description. There may be more interest than tables available. If that is the case we may have different tables in the morning and afternoon (please provide me with a time preference)
  • Critical Mass on Friday (maybe mid-afternoon)
  • CESR doing green drinks on Monday or Wednesday, also interested in holding events in the Rowe Bldg.
  • Rochelle Owen (administrative office) would like to host a talk on energy star. She would like to bring in Tom Traves so people actually get to see his face.
  • Possible other speakers: Jennifer Gray Antigonish Sustainability office & another with organic farming (EPSS Carla)
  • EAC taking on the luncheon learn (Martha from SustainDal)
  • EAC also having a table in SUB on Thursday

Documentaries/Movie Nights:

  • Nature Conservation class screening of shark water?
  • Rochelle Owen would like to show a film
  • DWC/Oxfam screening of film about global warming and effects on women in developing countries
  • EPSS/EAC Movie Night
  • Crapshoot


Suggestion of facebook group – good idea and will be put together over reading week


Contacted Journalism and they need some more specific information from us: “For example, do you need someone with experience in a specific program, such as Photoshop, Quark or Indesign? Do you need someone with access to their own design/layout programs and computer or are you providing the technology and equipment?”


Posters – SustainDal Meeting on Friday where they are going to try to design some posters. We have use of graphic designer if necessary

Future Items, Tasks, etc.

Carla checking out DASS involvement

Maggie checking to get Engineers W/O Borders involved for the purpose of getting all campuses integrated

Pete (Christian Fellowship) button making at kiosk, definitely incorporating faith & environmental issues.

Jamie & Brian sustainability practices, business practices in Nova Scotia, aboriginal issues, socio-economic issues

Emily, IDS class idea to "green scale" NS MPs, blurbs, pictures.

Keith, PoliSci Society to reach out to political youths/parties on campus to speak about their parties environmental platforms

Spencer, anti-idle tickets, being voice of green week through Gazette or guerilla postering campaign,

Emily, CKDU resource for advertising (PSAs, just email CKDU with paragraph)

Please standardize the movie times every night and push for a movie every night.

Amanda, art expo (Carla will check with Nature Conservation class)

Don’t forget, we are not limited to space in the SUB – THERE ARE ALTERNATIVE SPACES for events: Killam Atrium, Studley Gym during day, Rowe Bldg.,

GREEN WEEK map, giant showing all events throughout the week

small versions of schedule for guerilla info squad

Friday is also Environmental Research Symposium



CESR: 6th Annual Dump And Run

The Society for Corporate, Environmental and Social Responsibility will be undertaking the 6th annual "Dump & Run".

What is the Dalhousie Dump and Run?

The Dalhousie Dump and Run is a community garage sale/waste diversion project and environmental fair. Used items are collected from the community and the student residences at Dalhousie and then resold at a community yard sale.

An information session will be occurring soon.

In the meantime, if you're interested in getting involved with the event, check out the Career Services Website for open Coordinator positions, or send CESR an email ( with your info & "Dump and Run Positions" in the

CESR: Growing, Expanding, Looking For Members

The Society for Corporate Environment and Social Responsibility (CESR) is expanding. They are looking for new members to fill roles as active volunteers and for positions within the society itself (i.e. for the 2008/2009 academic year).

If you are interested, you can reach them here:


Sowing Seeds, Reaping Results

(Photo by Danny Abriel)

DalNews has written a feature article on Dalhousie University's new administrative Sustainability Office and Director of Sustainability, Rochelle Owen:

“Many wonderful seeds being sown everywhere at Dal,” is the way the first director of the Office of Sustainability describes the sustainability initiatives underway at the university.

It will be Rochelle Owen’s job to ensure those seeds grow into operational initiatives and come together in a university-wide plan. Ms. Owen began in early January and has received a very warm reception.

“Most people at Dalhousie are really interested in doing more in the way of environmental sustainability,” says Ms. Owen, whose mandate is to support, implement, maintain and communicate campus-wide sustainability programs.

“A lot has been done and there is definitely more than can be done,” she says. “People feel it will be great to have an office to focus on planning, policy and communication efforts.”

Ms. Owen’s job will be to develop a strategic plan for the office, help draft a university-wide policy and framework for sustainability efforts, and cultivate a culture of sustainability at Dalhousie.

Dal also will begin to focus on sustainability issues – how much water do we use each year? Can we use much less? How do we cut our electricity use? Can we use 100 per cent recycled paper? Can we get rid of the paper coffee cups that cannot be recycled … there are many possibilities.

“Ingenuity and innovation are going to be key messages,” says Ms. Owen, adding that she has found Dal to have “pockets of intellectual gold,” when it comes to designing new programs, carrying out day-to-day operations and weaving the environment into the curriculum.

That process has already begun. A multi-faculty working group has been in place since the fall and a campus-wide two-day workshop, Environmental Sustainability and Society: Towards Innovative Academic Programming is scheduled for Friday, Feb. 15 and Saturday, Feb. 16.

Professors, administrators, staff and students are encouraged to participate. The focus is the development of new interdisciplinary academic programming.

As well as developing plans for the office, Ms. Owen says there will be a 15 to 20 person advisory board, set up to help guide the university’s efforts. It will cast its net wide for students, faculty, staff and community representatives. The advisory group will have working groups on key topics.

Before filling the post as the first director of Office Sustainability, Ms. Owen was the Atlantic Head of Public Education and Engagement at Environment Canada. She has worked on such difficult issues as contaminated sites and has provided facilitation, training and presentations to hundreds of groups at the local, regional, national and international levels.

A Dalhousie graduate, Ms. Owen holds a BSc in community health education and a Masters of Environmental Studies.

- By Mary Somers

You can view the original article here:

SYC Conference: DSUSO's Emily Rideout Is Back... & Full Of Facts!

Hi everyone!

This weekend I attended the Sierra Youth Coalition’s Sustainable Campuses Conference (an Atlantic regional gathering) with 5 other students and it was an amazing experience! The conference was a great opportunity to meet with other students who are working on making their campuses a little greener and it gave me a chance to hear about initiatives and projects that are happening at other schools.

There are so many success stories in the Atlantic region! For example MUN has started a bike sharing program, St. FX has implemented a surcharge on all disposable cups and styrofoam to encourage waste reduction and use of reusable mugs, and Acadia University is in the process of creating an organic farm on campus which will supply the cafeterias with produce. While so many schools have achieved so much, they have faced many hurdles in the process and the conference provided an opportunity to learn from their mistakes as well as their successes.

Essentially, this conference was really great for making contacts at other universities, building a regional support network for initiatives here at Dal, and most importantly, for re-igniting my passion and dedication to making Dalhousie a more sustainable institution. It is vital that we reduce Dal’s ecological foot print, and this conference reminded me that students can play one of the biggest roles in bringing that about.

Emily Rideout,
DSU Sustainability Office

Green Journal Looking For Articles, Poems, Photos...

Want to have an essay, poem, photography or piece of artwork published in a journal?

The Environmental Programmes Student Society is want submissions for its 2008 "Green Perspectives" journal. Submissions can be pre-existing works (i.e. essays from previous semesters) or brand new concoctions, created specifically for the journal.

If you are interested, please click on the image above for more information.

Submissions are due the last day before Reading Week, February 22nd, 2008.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

SustainDal Snowball Team - Looking For Members!

This message is brought to you by SustainDal:

SustainDal has a Co-Ed Snowball Team (which is actually flag football in the snow!!!!!) RSVP if you think you'd like to play! Should be Wicked! When we eventually get some snow :P

Dalhousie University
Halifax, NS


DWC: Cookin' Up A Storm!

File this under the "Did you know?" category:

The Dalhousie Woman's Centre, located right across the street from Wickwire Field, offers up a free/communal kitchen to all students on campus! That's right - if you're wanting to engage in a little DWC action, feel free to drop by any time between 9am - 5pm and help yourself to their cooking facilities. Just be sure to wash your dishes before you leave!

Check out the facilities at:

Dalhousie Women's Centre Events Update

Here's this weeks update to ongoing and upcoming events sponsored by the Dalhousie Women's Centre:

1. Vagina Monologues-- Feb 18 and 19
2. FREE Film Screening: BORN INTO BROTHELS -- Feb 13th
4. A Very Girl-ish Heart-On: Saturday, February 16th
5. Introduction to Healing Arts: a workshop series
6. DWC Board Recruitment
7. DSU Women's Community Rep Position
8. Now Accepting--Single Parent Bursary Applications!!!
9. Psychology Awareness Week - Feb. 11th - Feb. 15th
10. Film Screening: Forgiveness: Stories for Our Time - Feb. 13
11. Breaking The Silence Halifax Presents: A Guatemalan Fundraising Dance
12. Community Action on Homelessness Events Postings
13. Interested in Helping Plan the International Day of Action Against War?
14. Black History Month Association Presents the Second Annual Luncheon:
"Keeping The Faith"
15. DalOUT Announcements
16. Anchor Archive Announcements

For more info, check out their website:

Or email:

Dalhousie Joins Sustainability Association!

Dalhousie is a new member of the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE)!

Any member of the Dalhousie community can use their email address as a user name and generate a password to logon to the AASHE site:

The site has a resource centre with topic areas such as academics, operations, and institutional commitment. You can also keep current on the evolving landscape of campus sustainability by subscribing to AASHE Bulletin, a weekly compilation of the latest sustainability news, resources, events, and opportunities at colleges and universities in the U.S. and Canada. To subscribe, go to: (you can read archived issues here),
or email with a request to be subscribed.

For more information on this membership or upcoming activities of the University Office of Sustainability contact:

Rochelle Owen, Director of Sustainability Email: Phone: 902-494-7448

Monday, February 11, 2008

Film Series: African Heritage Month

African Heritage Month Films

For African Heritage Month (i.e. February 2008), the Dalhousie Art Gallery is hosting a series of films, each Tuesday at 5 p.m. (Free admission)

February 12 — My Brother's Wedding
Charles Burnett, USA, 1983, 116 min. The second feature by Burnett tells of a young black man making a choice between his social climbing lawyer brother and his own delapidated community.

February 19 — Do The Right Thing
Spike Lee, USA, 1989, 120 min. An Italian-owned pizzeria in a black neighbourhood becomes a racial flashpoint during the hottest nights of a New York City summer.

February 26 — When The Levees Broke
Spike Lee, USA, 2007, 256 min. (5-9 pm) Spike Lee's epic examination of the impact of Hurricane Katrina on New Orleans is raw, immediate and thorough.


The Black Student Advising Centre is road tripping to Washington D.C. during Reading Week 2008!

The trip is open to all Dalhousie students and leaves on February 24th - if you would like more information, please contact:

Events: Dalhousie's Black Student Advising Centre

Dalhousie's Black Student Advising Centre would like to make known its regular movie and discussion dates. All students are welcome!

Movie Night

The last Monday of every month will be movie night for students. Movies are held on campus (these are free) and off campus (co-pay of $5). Emails will be sent with movie details as they are booked.

Please email Keslyn by Friday preceeding movie night if you plan to attend so we can have an accurate number of people attending (

Discussion of the Week Club

Every Thursday the BSAC will be hosting an "Discussion of the Week" Club. You all know about Oprah's Book of the Month Club,well this is the same thing only on a smaller scale. Each week a different member will chose an article to be read by the group which we will then meet to discuss. The meetings will begin at 2:30 PM.

If you are interested in joining, please email Keslyn at

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Green Week Meeting

There will be a Green Week '08 planning meeting this Tuesday at 2pm in council chambers ---- SUB 2nd floor. See you there!

Friday, February 8, 2008

Did You Know?: Washroom Lights.

Just a quick tidbit of knowledge for those seeking solutions to the 'issue' of washroom lights being left on (or any other lights, for that matter) throughout the day:

With specific regard to the Student Union Building, the lights need to be left on during the day in the washrooms as not all of our students here at Dalhousie are able to reach the light switches. As the SUB was built to older building standards, the light switches are located "too high" on the walls for people with disabilities to reach.

So turning the lights off after leaving actually disadvantages our brothers and sisters with disabilities here on campus.

There has been retrofitting of some washrooms to have motion-detectors installed, but this is not in all washrooms. As is always the case, time and money are the key issues to having all the washrooms retrofitted.

Instead of just turning off the lights (or placing demanding notes in bathrooms regarding this issue), it would be productive if the student body was able to suggest constructive ways to speed up the process of retrofitting. Pat Martin, the SUB's Director of Facility Operations assured DSUSO that he is excited to work with students to come up with a quicker, more efficient plan for retrofitting washrooms with motion detectors.

For more info regarding this issue, or if you have any suggestions, please contact DSUSO at

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Happy New Year!!!

We hear at the DSU Sustainability Office would like to wish all Dalhousie students as Happy Chinese New Year!

The year of the "Rat" starts today, folks!

Off To Moncton!

The DSU Sustainability Office is excited to announce that our very own Coordinator, Emily Rideout will be representin' us this weekend at the Sierra Youth Coalition's 2008 Atlantic Regional Conference.

Emily is looking to make regional connections with other like minded individuals/offices and gain innovative ideas on how to make DSUSO even better!

Have fun, be safe Emily!

ATTENTION: Single Mom's on Campus...

YWCA HERizons Program :

Are you or do you know a single mom who is attending University full time this fall?

YWCA HERizons provides a limited number of affordable, 2 bedroom supported apartments to mothers whose current housing is unstable or unaffordable. Our goal is to support women to achieve economic independence and long term
housing security.

We are currently accepting applications for February/March 2008 occupancy.

The building is located in HRM on a bus route and close to most amenities.

For more information check out our website at or to obtain an
application please contact:

Wanda Hill HERizons Program Manager 423-6162 ext 222

DSU President Mike Tipping & DSUSO Respond to Gazette "Unsustainable" Article

There has been some difficulty in getting an official response published in the Gazette regarding the story they ran on DSUSO being "Unsustainable". However, it looks as though some headway might be made with the Gazette's next publication date (possibly Feb. 7, 2008). In the meantime, here are two official responses from both DSU President Mike Tipping and the Sustainability Office itself on the actuality of the office:

Response #1: DSU Sustainability Office - The Real Story

The staff of the Dalhousie Student Union Sustainability Office recognize that they perform vital work.

“If we can’t create move towards sustainability on a university campus, which is supposed to be a centre of learning and knowledge, how can we expect change to happen on a larger scale?” asked Sustainability Planner and Promoter Sarah Applebaum.
Applebaum is currently creating the foundations for Green Week, which she hopes will be one of the premier events sponsored by the new office. The week will be completely student-run and will allow societies and student groups to host events on campus that promote awareness of sustainability on campus and jump-start wider discussion and action.

Applebaum is one of three part-time staff members who now work to promote sustainability on campus out of a small office on the third floor of the SUB. The others, Sustanability Liason Mark Johnston and Sustainability Coordinator Emily Rideout are also anxious to educate and engage their fellow students.

“It’s important to have student feedback about what we’re doing and to make connections with student groups,” said Rideout. She looks forward to the upcoming Imagine ’08 session where she and her colleagues will be hosting a forum so that interested students can get a chance to help set the direction of the office. “I hope that we can help more societies and students, not just SustainDal and the EPSS (the Environmental Programs Student Society), to create projects and events that promote sustainability on campus,” said Rideout. “Expanding our network is key.”

Johnston, who became concerned about environmental issues due to experience with the tar sands and oil fields of his native Alberta, hopes that the student network they are building can create change on the university level as well. His job as Liaison involves working closely with the University’s new sustainability office (which was founded as a response to student activism) and lobbying the administration.

“Eventually, I hope that we can encourage the university to make changes increase both sustainability and efficiency and save students money while we save the environment.”

Johnston has also set up a blog where students can get weekly updates on the office’s work and learn how they can take part in the office’s initiatives.

Response #2: Letter To Gazette Editor

I was very disappointed in the coverage of the DSU Sustainability Office in a recent issue of the Gazette. I’d like to take this opportunity to address some issues arising from that coverage, and to hopefully correct the impression left by the newspaper’s cover.

The two main points I’d like to make absolutely clear are that the office was never in debt and in fact has incredibly good financial management and that the supposed concerns from SustainDal members about the office have been significantly exaggerated.

The office is not and never has been “in the red”. The change in the calculation of student fees (which would only have resulted in a $3,000 to $4,000 shortfall and not $7,000 as was reported) would have been completely covered by a transfer from the DSU surplus funds. In the end, it wasn’t even necessary to do that, as the office restructuring actually allowed the management committee to hire three staff instead of one and still have money left over for programming and events.

The $7,000 figure came from a very early estimate of the office’s finances and student numbers. It was certainly within the Gazette’s purview to report that this had been a past estimate, but the impression given by the coverage was that this $7,000 was a looming problem, which it absolutely was not.

I’ll note that the DSU is also providing rent-free office space for the sustainability initiative. We see its work as a service to the student community, and the DSU council and executive are committed to making sure the office is both effective and fiscally sound.

The truth is, the sustainability office has a greater degree of financial oversight and student representation than any other student levy. Its budget and operations are overseen by a management committee struck by council, the DSU board of operations and the DSU council, at which every student at Dalhousie has representation. I would contrast this with the Gazette’s own student levy and the levies of other C-level societies, which are controlled by much smaller and less representative groups with far less oversight.

The exaggeration of student concerns is just as big a concern for me as is the dissembling about finances, and extended even to the photograph accompanying the article.

“I was surprised when the photographer asked us not to smile for the photo” SustainDal executive member Mark Coffin, a major focus of the article, told me after its publication. “We were asked to convey an emotion we didn’t actually feel”.

Although portrayed as a critic in the article, Mark is actually a fan of the sustainability office, calling it the “biggest accomplishment” of the sustainability movement on campus.

When I asked him about some of the criticisms expressed in the article, Mark said his quotes were truncated and did not convey his true thoughts about the office.

“I meant the bureaucracy should be eliminated, not the sustainability office itself,” explained Mark, “but that’s not how it looks in the article.”

And what about the contention that SustainDal did not have a say in planning the office? “That’s completely untrue,” said Mark, “We were happy to have a huge role in creating the office and we hope to have a role, along with other societies, in its continued operations and management”.

Finally, I’d like to say that the sustainability office has huge potential. Mark Johnston, Emily Rideout and Sarah Applebaum are a dedicated group of students who are working hard to fulfill a vital mission. (For regular updates on their work, visit

As Sarah says, if we can’t move towards sustainability on a university campus, which is supposed to be a centre of learning and knowledge, how can we expect change to happen on a larger scale?

It’s unfortunate how easily some cherry-picked quotes, some staged cover art and some big red letters can make a success like the student sustainability office seem like a failure

Sincerely, Mike Tipping DSU President

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Green week update

Green Week Meeting Feb 5th:

Above you will see a rough schedule of events for Green Week. By no means is this fixed in stone nor are green week activities limited to what you see below. (Click to enlarge).

There is also a Vegan Potluck at the DWC on March 16 (Sunday).

DWC really excited to get involved and looking into bringing in a speaker and/or showing a documentary in partnership with Oxfam

Mark is going to liaise with Rochelle about her involvement in green week. He is also going to ask her to talk to dal security on our behalf re: parking meter party – ideally we want a spot by the library

Also suggested that either periodically throughout the week or for one day idling tickets are handed out on campus.

Next meeting: Feb 12th at 2pm location TBA

Very important: if you cannot attend the meeting please let me know. If you cannot attend, please email me any thoughts/ideas/comments/suggestions that you have. If you do not attend and do not contact me I will assume you are not interested in participating in green week.

Monday, February 4, 2008

SRES Seminar

"So What If Every Municipality in Canada has to Prepare an Integrated Community Sustainability Plan?"

by Wayne Barchard
Senior Advisor for Environment Canada & Honorary Research Associate,
School for Resource and Environmental Studies

Tuesday, February 5 at 2:00 pm
Room 5001, Kenneth C. Rowe Management Bldg
6100 University Avenue

A provision of the federal-provincial Gas Tax Transfer Agreements is that each municipality accessing that money must prepare an Integrated Community Sustainability Plan (ICSP). What is an ICSP? What must it contain? What do they have to do with sustainability of human communities? What is happening, with a focus on Nova Scotia? ...and So what?

Audience participation is mandatory.

Everyone Welcome!

Did You Know? Dalhousie Sponsors Student Refugees...

Learn more about Dalhousie University's Student Refugee Program.

The World University Service of Canada-Dalhousie has been participating in the Student Refugee Program (which annually brings up to 50 refugee students to study in Canada). Since 1984, we have successfully sponsored over 40 refugee students and allowed them to pursue their studies at Dalhousie University.

On Wednesday, February 13th from 6pm-8pm in the McInnes Room (Student Union Building), WUSC is holding the "From Campus to Campus" speakers night, featuring:

- Yong Deng, this year's sponsored student from Sudan

- Savior Joseph, a former basketball star who spent one year working at a refugee camp in

- Dr. Prof MacDonald Ighodaro, author of "Living the Experience:Migration, Exclusion and Anti-Racist Practice."

For more info, contact:

Free "Healing Arts" Workshops

The Dalhousie Women's Centre is pleased to offer this NEW 5-week series of 1-hour workshop sessions, FREE to Dalhousie and King's students and all DWC members. This workshop series is designed to introduce participants to the fundamentals of the healing arts--what it is, how it works, and what it can do for you! Each week, participants will be guided through a unique learning experience, focusing on one aspect (or related few) the healing arts, with resources and materials provided.

Each workshop session is roughly 1 hour long, beginning at 6pm.

REGISTRATION is MANDATORY and space is LIMITED to a maximum of 12 PARTICIPANTS. Register today and confirm your spot!

February 5: Nutrition and Raw Foods; Women's Medicines: herbs and plants
Facilitator: Julia Hussman

February 12: Therapeutic Touch: Breathing, Yoga, and Meditation
Art Of Living Society

February 19: Reiki and Vibrational Medicine
Facilitator: Angela Allain

Please contact us at to register.

DSUSO/Rochelle Owen Meeting Schedule

For those of you interested in tabling your ideas, suggestions, questions or concerns regarding issues of sustainability here on campus, below are listed the regular meeting dates between the Dalhousie Student Union and Rochelle Owen, Director of Sustainability:

- February 13th, 2008

- March 12th, 2008

- March 26th, 2008

- April 9th, 2008

If you forward your concerns to DSUSO 24 hours prior to the meetings, they are guarunteed to be presented, discussed and the outcome(s) communicated back to you.

Summary: First DSUSO Meeting With Rochelle Owen

Hi everyone,

I wish to communicate the following points of interest which came out of last week's meeting with Dalhousie's Sustainability Coordinator, Rochelle Owen:

1. Rochelle is working hard to procure funding for sustainability based initiatives and possible student employment - and will keep DSUSO updated as to her success level.

2. A significant portion of time was spent discussing the Gazette's "Unsustainable" article (relating to the DSUSO). The purpose of this portion of the discussion was to generate a better reality of DSUSO's mandate, clear up multiple article inaccuracies, as well as communicate the varying levels of student/society involvement in campus sustainability issues.

3. Cheaper double sided printing in computer labs - an concern was raised over why it's not cheaper to print double sided in computer labs when, after all, you're using less paper. Rochelle informed DSUSO that the majority of printing cost arise from toner expenses. Toner cost far outweighs the cost of paper. However, there is currently a study being undertaken to address this exact issue (i.e. feasibility of reducing double sided printing costs) and the results will be made available by mid-April, 2008.

4. Green Week '08 - As Dalhousie's Directory of Sustainability, Rochelle is excited to participate in Green Week activities. She has put forth the possibility of presenting a documentary on sustainability and/or holding a talk on "Energy Star" information. She is also open to suggestions on how her office should be participating in Green Week... so let the ideas roll in!

5. Lastly, Rochelle informed DSUSO that while a large diversity of student sustainability campaigns is essential to a healthy campus, it would also be of benefit to have students unite in support of 2-3 issues of concern. Organizing around and representing a few major issues can draw greater levels of attention towards your cause. Furthermore, Rochelle has a great interest in communicating and cross-coordinating sustainability interests and efforts with students (refer to point #1). Being on the same page helps everybody...

If anyone has a greater interest in the topic matter of the first DSUSO/Rochelle Owen meeting, please contact DSUSO at:

As well, it should be noted that the second meeting will take place Wednesday, February 13th 2008.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Green Week '08: Meeting #2

All individuals who are interested in issues of sustainability and have ideas or would like to participate in Dalhousie Green Week 2008, are invited to the second planning meeting on:

Tuesday February 5th @ 2pm, DSU Council Chambers (SUB)

This meeting is open to any and all students, societies, staff and faculty. Looking forward to seeing everybody there!

Faces to Names...

Greetings everyone,

Just wanted to take a moment to post a photo of the DSUSO employees so that faces can be attached to our names! From left to right, Emily Rideout, Sarah Applebaum and Mark Johnston. Also, here's a description of our positions within the Sustainability Office:

PROMOTER/PLANNER – Sarah Applebaum,

The promoter/planner provides several functions for the sustainability office. The promoter is here to provide students and student societies with assistance and support when they are working together to organize activities on campus that promote sustainability. Support will also be provided support for campus-wide sustainability endeavours. A main emphasis this semester is surrounding the organization and promotion of Green Week in March 2008. Green week will be occurring March 10th-14th and all societies are encouraged to become actively involved in the events of the week. Please check back often for more detailed information concerning green week.

COORDINATOR – Emily Rideout,

As the DSU sustainability networker/coordinator, my role is to encourage and enhance the connections between individual students, class groups and societies who are interested in doing sustainability-related projects on campus, and to provide resources to anyone interested in doing so.

So what does this mean? It means that if you're looking to get involved, I can tell you what different societies are doing. If your group is doing a class project and you need information about what has already happened on campus or who to talk to about it, I can tell you. If your society is hosting an event to raise awareness or money around a campus environmental issue, I can put you in contact with others who could help you organize, advertise and carry out the event. If you or your group wants to lobby the administration about a campus sustainability issue, I can tell you how to do it. Want to know what's going on at other campuses across Canada, I can tell you. If you're looking for literature on an issue, I can suggest some good books. Basically, if you have any questions about campus sustainability, I can help!

I have been very involved with SustainDal over the past 2 years and this experience has provided me with an understanding of past and current initiatives at Dal, what various departments are working on
sustainability-wise, and the best people to talk to about a variety of issues. I am currently a 2nd year IDS and Environmental Studies student, but I've been an environmentalist since I was 10!

LIAISON – Mark Johnston,

The purpose of the Liaison role is to communicate with Dalhousie societies and students, campus wide, in an effort to act as a conduit through which ideas, expressions and interests can be represented to both the Dalhousie’s Administrative Sustainability Office and the Student Union. Through a series of regular meetings with both Rochelle Owen (Dalhousie Administrative Sustainability Office) and with the DSU Council, it will be possible to communicate, in a cohesive manner, the sincere sustainability concerns of the student body. While it is still possible for each society - or even each student – to represent and express themselves on the topic of sustainability, the Liaison position takes advantage of both student funding and its position as a ‘wing’ of the DSU, to escalate your concerns to the highest levels of Dalhousie administration and management.

It is the function of the Liaison to be in regular communication with student societies in regard to their activities and goals. However, outside of this, societies are also invited to initiate communication with the Liaison for any issue, no matter the size. Feel free to take advantage of your direct link to Dalhousie University’s administrative and management officials!

Green Week Meeting

Hey guys!
There will be a Green Week planning meeting this Tuesday (Feb 5th) at 2pm in the Council Chambers in the Student Union Building. Come ready to discuss any great ideas you may have - and bring your friends! If you can't make it to the meeting but would like to get involved/more information e-mail me at Check back on Wednesday for a summary of the meeting.